Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kim Kardashian and Mel Gibson Car Crashes: What We Can All Learn From Mel and Kim's Recent Fender Benders

Kim Kardashian is sorta one of the Miami locals these days, although she was shopping in Beverly Hills when her Bentley convertible got an estimated $25,000 in damages. It's being reported that Kim zipped over a speed bump too fast, crushing the front bumper of the car.

In the same news reports, we're also learning that Mel Gibson banged up the wheel well of his Mazarati on Sunday. TMZ has the photos, of course. Seems Mel had a slight car crash while driving on a Malibu highway on a Sunday afternoon.

Now, sure. These are two famous people - big time celebrities - who bashed their very expensive cars all by themselves while driving around very beautiful havens for their fellow celebrities. Mel Gibson and Kim Kardashian, all alone, did some minor damage to some very expensive wheels. So what?

Well, from a lawyer's perspective, Mel Gibson and Kim Kardashian have given us some great examples of things to remember when any one of us gets into a minor traffic mishap.

Here's just a few:

Get a Police Report. Mel Gibson crashed his Mazarati on a public road, but Kim crimped her Bentley's bumper in a private parking lot. Public road makes a difference here. Might be best to call the police, make a report of what's happened -- even if you think your fender bender isn't a very big deal. (Which Mel did. Good for Mel.) Your state law may even require you to do so.

Photos at the scene are important. Kim Kardashian and Mel Gibson can rely on the paparazzi to document their car damage and the location, weather, time of day, etc. of the incidents. Assuming you don't have celebrity gossip sites following you around, then you better take your own pics - right there, just as it happened. May be a big help in an insurance claim or a personal injury suit for a defective product down the road.

Were there witnesses? No matter how minor your fender bender may seem at the time, if you saw people watching it happen, then take the time to get their names. And addresses. And phone numbers (work is better than home, best to get both).

Why? Maybe this damage to your car (and maybe to you, too) was just one of those things. Maybe not. You won't know at the scene if there was a product failure -- think the Toyota sudden acceleration as a hidden product failure -- and having the events documented (with police reports, pix, and witnesses) may make the difference between victory and defeat in any product defect fight down the road - as well as any fight with the insurance company over your damage claim.

Follow Kim Kardashian on Twitter at @kimkardashian

By Bryant Esquenazi on August 17, 2010 11:11 AM

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