Friday, September 30, 2011

Pompano Beach Under Boil Water Order Today - But How Safe is Any Miami Area Tap Water? New Report On Cancer Chemical in Miami's Water

Over in Pompano Beach, a six-inch line burst and everyone living there is under a "boil water order" for the next couple of days -- it's not safe to drink the water in Pompano Beach until a few water samples test clean, and right now they're not. Eww.

Is Hexavalent Chromium in Miami's Tap Water?
However, the bigger news story is how safe is Miami's water overall? Or anywhere here in South Florida? Because reports have been released that the tap water in 31 of the 35 cities tested by the Environmental Working Group contain hexavalent chromium.

In case that doesn't sound scary enough for you, then watch Erin Brockovich one more time -- that's the stuff that was in the groundwater and killing everyone.

Miami Tap Water May Be Unsafe
According to the Miami New Times, this cancer-causing chemical (carcinogen) IS in Miami's tap water. The new study found Miami had 0.04 ppb of chromium-6, which is less than the minimum set in California as a safe amount to have in your drinking water. Some may think this is okay, some may not.

If you are concerned about this, then consider buying filters and cleaning your water before you drink it or bathe in it (because your skin will absorb chemicals as you bathe or shower, of course).

There are a number of companies that sell water filters for residential use that take out carcinogens, we won't promote one company over another here. Another possible purchase? A water testing kit. So you can verify for yourself how safe your water is to drink.

By Bryant Esquenazi on December 21, 2010 6:51 PM

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