Friday, September 30, 2011

Miami Car Accidents - Please Don't Become One of the Crash Statistics This Holiday Season

Just reading the news today, December 9, 2010, and you'll learn about several local car crashes where Miamians died - all in the past 24-hour period:

Think about this: you're riding your bike. You're walking along the road, crossing a street. You're driving home alone on a weeknight. You and your buddies are enjoying a fun time, going along in two cars, and you park on the side of the road - to check the map, to argue about where to eat dinner, maybe to count your cash to see if you can all afford to go to the movies or fill up the tank.

Then, out of nowhere, you're in a car crash. A fatal car crash. You're not here to read this post today.
It is foolish to assume that you or a loved one are not vulnerable to a motor vehicle accident at any time, but particularly this time of year. During the holiday season, Miami deals not just with the day to day stresses of life, but the added emotions of this time of year. Excitement. Stress. Depression. Fun. Frustration. Happy. Sad.

And all these emotions impact everyone who gets behind the wheel of a car, or truck, or minivan. So be careful out there, Miami. Wear your seat belt, don't speed, don't drive drunk, and watch out for the other guy - even more than usual.

By Bryant Esquenazi on December 9, 2010 1:24 PM

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