Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How Dangerous is Miami Drinking Water? Treated Sewage Added to South Florida Taps Containing Erin Brockovich Toxin

Of course, the government experts are saying that it's nothing to worry about: it's going to be very, very well treated on its route from your toilet back to your kitchen. Well, from Pembroke Pines toilets, actually. Seems that this municipality will be the one responsible for providing the sewage water since it plans on dumping it into the Biscayne Aquifer.

Meanwhile, the Sierra Club has explained to the media that it doesn't matter how "well treated" that sewage water might be: it's not just the ordinary old bacteria you can imagine existing in sewer water, it's also pharmaceuticals. That's right. Drugs. They just can't get all those drugs out of that water no matter how well they treat it.

Matthew Schwartz also gave reporters a few examples of the drugs involved here: birth control pills (i.e., artificial hormones); ibuprofen; antipsychotics.

Add to This, the Already Reported Presence of the Erin Brockovich Cancer Drug in Miami's Water

The news of this sewage seeping into Miami's taps is horrible enough on its own. But that's not all that those taps are flowing into your tea glasses, water bottles, and pasta: as discussed in an earlier post, there's also that problem of hexavalent chromium being present.

That's right: Miami's water will have the drug that made Erin Brockovich rich and famous (and got Julia Roberts her Oscar) combined with treated sewage water with just about any drug you can think might go into a toilet or trash (or through a human body).

What a cocktail, right?

By Bryant Esquenazi on January 4, 2011 9:08 PM

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